The Black Caucus of the Dane County Board of Supervisors Reflects on Past Board Term and Looks Forward

April 05, 2024
County Board Supervisor April Kigeya, (608) 628-4239
County Board

Black Caucus members Dana Pellebon and April Kigeya, along with ally Jacob Wright, want to thank the citizens of Dane County for their support of the many initiatives brought forth in the last County Board term in the interest of criminal legal reform. 

Supervisors Pellebon and Kigeya were on the forefront and led negotiations for the Consolidated Jail Project, which led to securing funding for the project to be completed after years of delays. Pellebon co-chaired the Community Court Committee to further the work of restorative justice initiatives in the County. Pellebon also worked closely with the CORE Justice Network as one of 15 chosen elected officials throughout the nation to focus on eradicating racial disparities in our criminal legal systems. The lessons she learned have already been applied to advance real solutions here in Dane County. 

We also want to acknowledge the significant contributions of Sheriff Kalvin Barrett and his team. No one does this work in a vacuum. With the indispensable help of the Sheriff’s office, Dane County staff, Public Protection & Judiciary Chair Richelle Andrae, and County Board Chair Patrick Miles, we have been able to dig deep and make meaningful change. Supervisor Jacob Wright was also key for caucus tech support, administrative help, and working closely with us through many initiatives. 

While Pellebon and Wright are no longer a part of the Dane County Board, we remain steadfast in our commitment to criminal legal reform in Dane County. We will both continue to engage deeply and meaningfully. 

Kigeya will continue this work in her next term on the Board. She extends a welcoming hand to Supervisors Chad Kemp and Lisa Jackson to join her in continuing a healthy and trusting collaboration with new County Board members. She also encourages allies to meet with the group for collaboration and coalition-building. 

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to incoming and re-elected Supervisors and a hearty farewell with gratitude for those who served with us the last two years. 

Our work isn’t done. We have spent the past two years approaching this work with integrity and care for those most impacted. Each of us commit to continue doing so, whether as legislators or as private citizens.