Juneteenth to be Recognized at Dane County Board Meeting

June 20, 2024
County Board Chair Patrick Miles, (608) 886-9167
County Board

At the Dane County Board meeting tonight, Supervisors will hear the resolution recognizing Juneteenth. Juneteenth commemorates June 19th of 1865, the day President Abraham Lincoln emancipated African slaves across the United States.

Supervisor Gray (District 14) stated in regard to Juneteenth, “It is a celebration of freedom, resilience, and the enduring spirit of a community. It marks a significant milestone in American history and progress, and celebrating this day honors the immense contributions of African Americans both to our nation and to Dane County.”

The resolution at tonight’s Board meeting encourages employees to spend Juneteenth by volunteering for African American causes or shopping at Black owned business. The resolution emphasizes that Juneteenth is not a “one and done” holiday, but rather a reminder to consider and support the countless contributions, immense vibrancy, and unique spirit of African American communities every day of the year.

Supervisor Kigeya (District 15) commented, “Juneteenth commemorates the remarkable resilience and dedication of the African American community, highlighting a day of progress in the pursuit of equality and justice. This day stands as a tribute to the enduring strength of Black Americans, celebrating their rich cultural heritage and their embodiment of the spirit of this nation.”

The resolution commits the Board to another year advancing the opportunities available to African Americans and to continually work towards systemic change that will fulfill the promises made by the Emancipation Proclamation 159 years ago.

Learn more about Juneteenth here: https://kujichaguliamcsd.org/