County Executive Parisi Statement on Judge Sumi Ruling Nullifying Collective Bargaining Changes

May 26, 2011
Casey Slaughter Becker, Office of the County Executive (608) 267-8823 or cell (608) 843-8858
County Executive


Dane County Executive Joe Parisi issued the following statement regarding Judge Sumi’s ruling nullifying collective bargaining changes at the state level due to open meetings violations.


“Judge Sumi’s ruling is a victory for good government and protecting the very fabric that holds our democracy together. 


I also want to thank Dane County District Attorney Ismael Ozanne and his staff for their tireless work on this important case.  Their quick action allowed important legal questions to be answered before legislation that would affect so many families in Dane County, and across Wisconsin, was rushed into law. 


While justice has been served today, I regret this battle was started in the first place with the Governor and the Legislature’s extreme actions.  In Dane County, we work together with our employees to solve our problems – not against them. 


These demonized public employees take care of our sick, elderly, and disabled.  They rescue children from abusive and life threatening situations, keep our roads clear during blizzards, and put their own lives in danger to protect us.  They should be thanked, not attacked.”


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