Chairman Urges Board to Approve Infrastructure Appropriation

January 19, 2012
Supervisor Scott McDonell, Chair Dane County Board of Supervisors 279-6984
County Board


$7.85 Million Needed to Fund Basic Operations Ahead of Annual Borrowing; Spending Already Approved in Capital Budget


Dane County Board Chair Scott McDonell today urged his colleagues on the County Board to pass Resolution 202, authorizing nearly $8 million in spending on a number of capital projects to keep the County running on a day-to-day basis. The funds are already approved as part of the County’s 2012 capital budget, but Resolution 202 will pay for them now instead of through borrowing at the end of the year.


“These aren’t pet projects or pork or whatever the ten conservatives want to call it,” McDonell said. “The biggest single line item is $1.6 million for renewal of Microsoft licenses, to keep the office computers running. This is basic stuff that’s already approved. We just need to pay these bills now rather than later. It would also put dozens of Dane County employees in the construction industry to work right now when they need it most.”


McDonell noted that larger items that require contracts can be paid ahead of annual borrowing without County Board approval. In recent months, a small block of county board members have successfully blocked projects such as the repair of the LaFollette and Babcock Parks locks.


“All this resolution does is treat these items the same way,” McDonell said. “It seems like a no-brainer.”


The resolution covers 30 line items, a few of which include:


?     Highway Construction

  • CTH BB, (Monona Drive) phase 2: $1,000,000
  • CTH D, Wingra to Emil (Fish Hatchery): $450,000
  • CTH M/CTH MM: $150,000
  • CTH MS, Allen to Segoe (University Avenue): $300,000
  • CTH P Bridge: $160,000
  • CTH PB, Sun Valley to CTH M: $50,000


?     Public Safety

  • Siren replacement: $60,000
  • Sheriff’s vehicles  $191,700
  • Sheriff patrol boat  $55,200



?     Human Services

  • Bobcat and snow blower: $15,812


?     Clear Lakes and Clean Beaches

  • Cost-share beach improvements: $20,000
  • Sediment control projects: $50,000
  • Lock and dam repair: $939,000


?     Administration

  • Computer Equipment: $173,000
  • Microsoft Licenses: $1,697,000
  • Landfill compactor:  650,000



“The lock and dam repair is especially important, because the real cost is closer to $1.4 million, but the state DNR has committed $500,000 for the project. But we lose that money if we don’t move now,” McDonell said. “That’s right - Scott Walker’s administration is actually ready to help us out for a change, and some on the County Board want to say no thanks. Its work that must be done and we’ve known that for five years. The choice is to pay $939,000 now or $1.4 million later. Seems like another no-brainer to me.”


The resolution comes before the full County Board tonight.