Dane County Announces Partners for Recreation and Conservation (PARC) Program
March 11, 2013
Carrie Springer, Office of the County Executive 608.267.8823 or cell, 608.843.8858
County Executive
Local governments and groups urged to apply for grants
Dane County communities and non-profit organizations looking to improve outdoor recreation or natural resources can now apply for county assistance for their projects, County Executive Joe Parisi announced today.
Parisi included $1-million in grant funding in the 2013 county budget for the Dane County Partners for Recreation and Conservation (PARC) program that is available to support the efforts of communities and non-profits to enhance recreation and conservation.
“Under the PARC grant program, huge projects and partnerships have come about because of this successful and popular grant program. I have been incredibly impressed by the number of people and groups working together through these grants to improve our network of parks, trails, and natural areas that make Dane County a great place to live and work,” said Parisi.
With the county’s assistance, local communities and non-profit organizations are able to bring their ideas and visions to fruition and implement them at a regional scale. Multiple bicycle/pedestrian trails, habitat restorations, and park and trail facilities have been funded under the program that support a wide array of recreational interests.
“Because of this program, a wide range of projects have been undertaken in all regions of the County that will no doubt connect more people to the outdoors and natural resources,” said Parisi.
The application deadline is May 3rd. The standard grant amount will be up to 50% of the project costs, not to exceed $250,000. Grants will be awarded for capital projects that improve natural resources or outdoor recreational opportunities that create a demonstrable regional benefit. Eligible expenses for projects include material costs and contracted services for design and engineering, construction or installation.
Those interested in determining whether their projects are eligible for county support are encouraged to contact Sara Kwitek at 224-3611 or Kwitek@countyofdane.comto discuss your project before submitting an application. For more information about applying for the grants go to http://www.countyofdane.com/lwrd/parks/grants.aspx.
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