Airport Breaks Ground for Largest Municipal Solar Project in State

March 20, 2013
Brent S. McHenry 608-661-6442 or 608-575-6338

Dane County Regional Airport Breaks
Ground for Largest Municipal Solar Project in State

$14 Million Green Certified Designed Airfield Snow Removal Equipment Building

Madison, WI -- Dane County Executive Joe Parisi today turned the first ceremonial shovel-full of dirt at a groundbreaking ceremony for construction of a green certified designed new snow removal equipment building at the Dane County Regional Airport.

“This is a much-needed upgrade for our increasingly busy airport and it includes the largest municipal-owned solar project in the state to ensure reduced greenhouse gas emissions for the future. About half of the building’s energy use will come from the solar project. This is one more way Dane County can take steps to reduce emissions while saving taxpayers money on energy costs,” said Parisi.

The 58,800-square-foot building will be adjacent to the existing airfield maintenance building and will house more than 26 pieces of essential snow removal equipment.  With Silver LEED? design as a green building, the project will include the following environmentally-friendly attributes:

• Use of high recycled content materials and products including structural steel, gypsum wallboard, carpeting and aluminum windows.

• Use of materials with no or low volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in products including carpeting, paints and all adhesives, creating a healthier work environment.

• Geothermal heating and cooling system.

• 100 kilowatt rooftop photovoltaic system which will generate up to 135,000 kilowatt-hours per year, the annual equivalent to the usage of 12 typical American homes – creating the largest solar energy system in the MG&E service area.

• Water-efficient plumbing fixtures providing a 40% reduction in potable water use.

• Mechanical systems will be 40% more energy efficient than a standard building; CO and NO2 sensors will automatically control the air flow based on the occupancy and use of the building.

”We’re thrilled to be a part of this exciting new project at Dane County Regional Airport, and the fact that the facility is seeking LEED certification illustrates Dane County’s commitment to being both environmentally and fiscally responsible,” stated David G. Voss, Jr., president & CEO of Miron Construction Co., Inc.

The $14 million project has a targeted completion date of fall 2013, and will be paid for with State and FAA grants as well as airport funds.  No county property taxes will be used for the project.

“The ability to house and maintain all of our snow removal equipment in one facility will improve operational efficiencies,” said Airport Director Bradley Livingston, AAE. Improved equipment repair facilities will reduce out-of-service times for essential air field maintenance equipment.

Miron Construction Co., Inc., of Neenah, WI won the bid to serve as general contractor for the project and the architect is Madison, WI based Mead & Hunt.

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