Dane County Announces Community Garden Meeting
March 22, 2013
Carrie Springer, Office of the County Executive 608.267.8823 or cell, 608.843.8858
County Executive
Badger Prairie County Park to be pilot county community garden
Dane County officials today announced an informational meeting for the Badger Prairie Community Gardens. It will be held on April 9th from 7-8:30 p.m. at the Verona Public Library.
The Badger Prairie Master Plan adopted in 2009 called for installing community gardens at Badger Prairie County Park. Dane County Executive Joe Parisi and Dane County Supervisor Erika Hotchkiss worked together to include funding to dig a well for gardeners in the 2013 County budget. Badger Prairie is the first community garden in the Dane County Park System and the County will continue to explore expanding options for community gardens on county lands.
“Bringing the first county community gardens to Badger Prairie County Park is one more way Dane County can support local agriculture. Working together with the Community Action Coalition and the many other volunteers dedicated to this project will make this a great success,” said Parisi.
Supervisor Hotchkiss has been working directly with community members to set up the informational meeting in Verona. The meeting will go over planning and implementation of the garden and attendees will have a chance to see garden designs. County officials and community organizers will be there to answer questions.
"This project will meet the needs of many in the Verona Area and beyond. I am impressed with the outpouring of support and volunteers working many hours to make this dream possible. I love this community and the way we come together time and again to work for positive change,” said Hotchkiss.
"Badger Prairie Community Garden will serve as an educational component to schools in the area, assist in providing food to our local food pantry, and allow people of differing abilities, cultural, and socioeconomic status to work together to help create part of a local food system in our community. I am very proud to be a part of making that happen here in Verona,” Hotchkiss added.
Local groups, schools, churches, families and individuals will be able to rent plots on a sliding scale fee at the garden allowing people of all ages and abilities a part in the farm to table movement. The gardens will occupy five acres of the park with 1-2 acres for individual garden plots and 3-4 acres managed by the Community Action Coalition to grow fresh food for local food pantries.
John Migon, a local gardener, is encouraged by the strong community support for the gardens at Badger Prairie County Park.
“With Supervisor Hotchkiss’ help we've coordinated with a group of citizen gardeners to help create a place for all community members to come together and learn and grow their gardening potential," said Mignon.
Anyone needing more information about the meeting can contact Supervisor Erika Hotchkiss at 608-219-0908 or hotchkiss.erika@countyofdane.com.