Don’t be a Scary Driver this Halloween

October 28, 2014
Contact: Elise Schaffer, PIO Phone: (608) 284-6142
Sheriff's Office

As ghosts, goblins, princesses, and zombies, take to the streets Friday evening, Sheriff David Mahoney wants to remind drivers to be extra cautious.  With lots of little characters walking, and sometimes running through neighborhoods, the chances of a child being struck by a vehicle doubles on Halloween.


The Dane County Sheriff’s Office recommends motorists keep these safety tips in mind:


  Slow Down!  Drive 5 mph below the posted speed limit.  Trick-or-Treaters are full of excitement and may dart out into the street unexpectedly.


  Drive with your headlights on even in the daylight hours to make your vehicle more visible.


  Don’t pass other vehicles on the road.  They may be slowing down for pedestrians that you don’t see, or they may be picking up or dropping off.


  Stay alert.  Never use your cell phone, navigation system or other devices while driving.


  As always, NEVER drink and drive.  If you will be drinking, plan ahead and designate a sober driver.