Parisi urges Gov. Walker to address the negative impacts of climate change rather than opposing clean-air efforts

December 02, 2014
Melanie Conklin, Communications Director, 608-267-8823 or 608-635-5796
County Executive

MADISON:   Dane County Executive Joe Parisi today expressed disappointment with Gov. Scott Walker’s decision to oppose the federal Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan guidelines aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and helping states move toward cleaner air and an increased reliance on renewable energy.


“There is little to no disagreement in the mainstream scientific community that climate change is real, and that it poses a serious threat to our future health and well-being.  In fact, many of the negative consequences of climate change are already taking place,” Parisi said. “From severe drought in western and southern parts of the United States, to the severe loss of polar ice caps reducing habitat for Arctic wildlife, the effects and costs of climate change are too great to ignore.”


Parisi said that rather than fighting the EPA’s efforts to stop pollution and protect our air quality,  the state should follow the lead of Dane County by preparing for the impacts of climate change – such as working to reduce the run-off produced by more frequent and severe spring storms and heavy rain events, as well as working to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions.


“In Dane County we are investing in renewable energy sources like solar power and bio-gas generated from our county landfill.  These efforts save taxpayer dollars and reduce harmful gas emissions,” he added. “We hope the state will do the same.”

