Dane County Executive Recognizes Outstanding Public Service

February 24, 2015
Stephanie Miller, 608-267-8823
County Executive

911 Communicators Saved Many Lives in 2014


This weekend, Dane County recognized the following Communicators for their lifesaving efforts at the Dane County Public Safety Communications (911) Center. Dane County’s Department of Public Safety Communications (9-1-1) processed more than 500,000 telephone calls in 2014, including nearly 200,000 9-1-1 calls. The department provides service to more than 80 different agencies, including more than 20 police departments, 22 fire departments, and 19 EMS providers. Each year, 9-1-1 Communicators dispatch more than 10,000 fire incidents, 30,000 EMS incidents, and nearly 200,000 law enforcement incidents.


These stories are a testament to the great work that our communicators do 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year,” said Joe Parisi, Dane County Executive. “Our 911 center saves lives. Every day, our quick thinking Communicators are improving public safety and getting help to people who need it. I am proud to work with such remarkable public servants.”


Recognized communicators: 


Nathan Waite -  On March 22, 2014, 14 year veteran Communicator Nathan Waite, answered a 9-1-1 call reporting a 57 year old female patient had fallen. Nathan helped the caller determine that the patient was unconscious and not breathing. Utilizing EMD protocols, Nathan instructed the caller in CCR until EMS arrived. The patient was transported to a hospital, and was later discharged.


Mindy Fleming – On April 12, 2014, Communicator Mindy Fleming, a 6 year veteran Communicator, answered a 9-1-1 call reporting that an 80 year old man had collapsed. Following EMD protocols, Mindy determined the patient to be pulseless & not breathing.  Mindy instructed the caller in CCR until EMS arrived, almost 6 minutes later. The patient was transported to a hospital and was later discharged. [Mindy was recently featured on a 27 News story for assisting a couple when their child decided not to wait to reach the hospital, and instead was born in their vehicle, parked at a bus stop.]


Joe Wissinger -  On April 30, 2014, Communicator Joe Wissinger, a 4 year veteran Communicator, answered a 9-1-1 call reporting a 77 year old female patient was unresponsive and not breathing. Joe utilized the EMD protocols to instruct the caller in CCR until help arrived.  The patient was transported to a hospital, recovered, and was discharged.


Pete Brower – On May 4, 2014, Communicator Pete Brower, a 6 ½ year veteran Communicator, answered a 9-1-1 call reporting a 52 year old female patient not breathing, possibly due to choking. Pete instructed the caller to perform CCR while following EMD protocols until a Dane County Sheriff’s Deputy arrived on the scene and took over care.  The deputy delivered several shocks with an AED before EMS arrived. The patient was transported to a local hospital, recovered, and was discharged.


Anita Barman – On May 6, 2014, 20 year veteran Communicator Anita Barman answered a 9-1-1 call reporting a 67 year old female who was unconscious, and who’s breathing status was unknown. As Anita calmly gathered information, while following EMD protocols. After determining the patient was not breathing instructed the caller in CCR until police officers, followed by EMS. The patient was to a local hospital and recovered.


Leslie O’Kane – On June 6, 2014, Communicator Leslie O’Kane answered a 9-1-1 call reporting a 48 year old female who was unconscious following a possible seizure. The caller and patient were in a vehicle on a county highway.  Leslie expertly followed the protocols, and determined the patient was pulseless and not breathing. Leslie instructed the caller in CCR for more than 7 minutes until EMS arrived.  The patient was transported to a hospital and was later discharged.


Rick Hammond - On June 30, 2014, 20 veteran Communicator Rick Hammond answered a 9-1-1 call from City of Fitchburg Building Inspector Paul Scott, reporting that his partner, Jack Pearson, had collapsed, and was pulseless and not breathing. Hammond utilized the Medical Priority Dispatch System to provide CCR instructions to Scott, who performed roughly 7 minutes of chest compressions until first responders arrived. Mr. Pearson was transported to the hospital where he made a full recovery.

The three men were recognized by the Fitchburg City Council during a regular meeting in August. Rick Hammond credited Paul Scott for keeping his friend and coworker alive.  "Mr. Scott is the true hero, he remained calm and collected so he could listen to my instructions."  Scott praised Hammond's detailed directions saying, "We were lucky this guy here was on the other end of the line."


Kelsey Vike – On July 31, Communicator Kelsey Vike answered a 9-1-1 call reporting a 33 year old male having a seizure. As Kelsey worked her way through the protocol, it was determined the patient was pulseless and not breathing.  Kelsey instructed the caller in CCR for nearly 6 minutes, until EMS arrived.  The patient was transported to the hospital, and made a full recovery. Kelsey had only been working as a Communicator since April when she answered.


Trevor Coogan – On August 26, 2014, Communicator Trevor Coogan answered a 9-1-1 call for a 66 year old male with trouble breathing and a possible heart attack. During the call the patient was determined to be pulseless & not breathing, and CCR initiated with instructions from Trevor.  CCR was done for 6 ½ minutes, until EMS arrived. The patient was transported to a hospital, and made a full recovery.  Trevor has been a Communicator for 2 years.


Lynne Hettrick (now retired)- On September 3, Lynne answered a 9-1-1 call reporting a 78 year old man had collapsed, was pulseless and not breathing.  Lynne provided CCR instructions to the caller who relayed them to her son, who performed CCR for more than 6 minutes until EMS arrived.  The patient was transported to the hospital where he made a full recovery, and later had a pacemaker implanted. Lynne retired soon after this incident with more than 30 years of service to Dane County.


Breana Olivas – On October 3, 2014, Communicator Breana Olivas answered a 9-1-1 call reporting a 34 year old patient with difficulty breathing. At some point during this call the patient was determined to be pulseless and not breathing. Breana provided pre-arrival instructions to the caller, who performed CCR for ~4 minutes, until EMS arrived. The patient was transported to a hospital, and made a full recovery. Breana has been with PSC for more than 7 years.


Chad Godfroy – On December 10, 2014, Communicator Chad Godfroy answered a 9-1-1 call reporting a 50 year old female patient had collapsed, was pulseless and non-breathing. Chad instructed the caller in CCR for 4 minutes, until EMS arrived.  While being transported to the hospital, the patient arrest again.  After a short hospital stay, the patient was released in good health. What a fantastic Christmas gift for this patient, and her family.  Chas has been a Communicator for 5 ½ years.


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