Newly Released Report from UW-Madison and UW Extension Show Right to Work States Have Lower Incomes

March 02, 2015
Stephanie Miller, Communications Director, 608-267-8823 or 608-635-5796
County Executive

Manufacturing Income $8,100 lower in states with Right to Work laws


In response to a newly released report (attached) from University of Wisconsin Madison and the University of Wisconsin Extension, Joe Parisi, Dane County Executive issued the following statement:


“States that have Right to Work laws have lower household incomes than states without it. Governor Walker is cutting the pay of thousands of hard working Wisconsin men and women. Our families, communities and our state deserves better. As the son of a construction worker who put food on the table and a roof over our heads through hard work and fair pay, I’m appalled by the lack of respect this proposal shows for hard-working families. The evidence clearly demonstrates that so-called Right to Work laws intensify the race to the bottom and further erode the middle class.”


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