Dane County Executive Parisi Calls on Governor Walker to Immediately Drop Drug Testing Proposal

March 05, 2015
Stephanie Miller, Communications Director, 608-267-8823 or 608-635-5796
County Executive

After Legal Challenges Florida Forced to Drop Similar Proposal


After reports that Florida dropped its proposal requiring drug testing to receive benefits after losing a federal court challenge, Joe Parisi, Dane County Executive issued the following statement:


“Governor Walker must drop his proposal to drug test people who have fallen on hard times before wasting more taxpayer resources. It’s time to stop governing by rhetoric and to start investing our limited dollars in addressing poverty, mental health, and unemployment. The governor’s proposal may play well in the Iowa caucuses, but it’s not effective public policy. And after repeated court challenges, drug testing continues to be struck down as an illegal restriction. Enacting policies that punish the poor for being poor — that unduly humiliate our neighbors when they’re confronted with bad luck — is not the Dane County way, nor do I believe it is the Wisconsin way.”


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