Airport Kicks Off Outreach Campaign Featuring Michael Feldman

March 03, 2015
Brent S. McHenry 608-661-6442 or 608-575-6338

Madison, WI – The Dane County Regional Airport (DCRA) unveiled its new public education and outreach campaign this morning at a news conference held at DCRA. Dane County Executive Joe Parisi, Airport Director Bradley Livingston, AAE and Michael Feldman, national radio personality, founder, and host of Michael Feldman’s Whad’Ya Know? introduced the “WHO KNEW?!” campaign.
“Our Dane County Regional Airport continues to be a high-quality, convenient experience in the county and south central Wisconsin,” said Dane County Executive Joe Parisi.  “This campaign will help educate more people about the benefits of choosing to fly from our airport, which in turn strengthens our local economy.”

“We are excited to highlight the Dane County Regional Airport’s service to twelve major airline hubs and one-stop service to worldwide destinations, among other amenities,” said Bradley Livingston, AAE, Airport Director. “With the kick-off of this campaign, we’re looking forward to hearing travelers say, ‘We know!’ about things like convenient, covered parking, free wi-fi and 280 weekly departures.”

Education and Awareness Campaign Kicks Off March 3rd
The WHO KNEW?! Campaign, which kicks off March 3rd, includes television spots, radio spots, outdoor, online and print ads, and an online WHO KNEW?! quiz that can be accessed at

A native of Madison and a frequent DCRA traveler, even Feldman was surprised to learn about some of the benefits and amenities the airport offers. “Though I’ve been a big fan of the Dane County Regional Airport for a long time, I was excited to learn things like: there are chair and foot massages available; and, I can get a Usinger’s sausage at the Wurst German Bar across from Gate 5,” said Feldman. “Those two things are reasons enough to fly through DCRA,” continued Feldman. “Kidding aside, I’m proud to be a part of this campaign to help my fellow citizens learn more about this gem.”

The Dane County Regional Airport provides seamless, low-stress, and affordable options for both leisure and business travelers, with more than 90 daily arrivals and departures.  Non-stop service to twelve cities including: Atlanta, Cincinnati, Dallas-Fort Worth, Denver, New York, Newark, Orlando, and Washington D.C., provides travelers with access to hundreds of worldwide destinations.

DCRA offers travelers a wide range of services aimed at making travel easier and more convenient,  including: Wireless Internet, a Business Center with training and conference rooms, massage, family lounges and private mother’s lounges.

Watch and listen to the new television and radio advertisements here.