County Board Approves Cherokee Marsh Purchase

June 08, 2015
Sharon Corrigan: (608)333-2285
County Board

Acquisition of 81 acres along Yahara River will allow conservation of wetlands

The Dane County Board of Supervisors approved investing just over $1 million, financed over 20 years and partially offset by grants from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, to purchase 81 acres of farmland in the Cherokee Marsh Natural Resource Area, including about a mile of frontage along the Yahara River.

“I’m thrilled that we’re able to take advantage of this opportunity to set aside such a large area of rich natural resources for preservation, not to mention fishing, canoeing and other recreation,” said County Board Chair Sharon Corrigan. “I commend County staff and supervisors for getting this deal done.”

“"This will be a great asset to Dane County, combining tremendous recreational opportunities with long-term environmental protection for one of our area’s most valuable natural treasures,” said Supervisor Maureen McCarville, who represents the district where the land is located.

The purchase will permanently protect 40 acres of wetland, much of it adjacent to the State of Wisconsin’s Cherokee Marsh Fisheries Area. The Yahara River access will allow canoeists to paddle the Yahara River down to where it empties into Cherokee Marsh, offering what County officials call “an incredibly scenic paddle with spectacular wildlife viewing and fishing opportunities.”

In other business, the County Board approved acceptance of a variety of grants, including:

  • $34,216 from the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection for nutrient management and conservation assistance for farmers;
  • $22,500 from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services for the Office of the Medical Examiner for the cadaver dog program;
  • $5,100 from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation to curb the intoxicated operation of motorcycles;
  • $12,000 from the federal Department of Homeland Security to bring the Southwest Wisconsin Incident Management Team Communications Advance Team Trailer to full service; and
  • two grants totalling $13,450 from Wisconsin Emergency Management for Hazardous Materials Training.