Airport Unveils Airport Collectors Series Card

November 05, 2014
Brent S. McHenry 608-661-6442 or 608-575-6338


Madison, WI -- Dane County Regional Airport (DCRA) in cooperation with Airports Council International-North America (ACI-NA) unveiled the MSN airport collectible trading card as part of the new North American Airport Collectors Series.  The Series offers aviation enthusiasts a new collectible opportunity to commemorate their travels through U.S. and Canadian airports.

“The yellow Corben Super-Ace is a welcome home symbol for Dane County residents traveling at our Dane County Regional Airport and having it on a trading card is yet another way to showcase the many amenities that make travel at our airport special,” Dane County Executive Joe Parisi said. “The card will help people remember our airport, but it is the service and experience that will keep them coming back.”

The trading card features the iconic DCRA airport image of the Corben Super-Ace “the yellow plane,” which hangs in the south end of the terminal, and highlights facts, figures and historical information about DCRA.

The collection of cards from across the U.S. and Canada feature the most recognizable images from some of the busiest airports in the world to smaller regional airports in North America. The trading cards are free and will be distributed at each participating ACI-NA airport at information booths, tourism counters, or other designated locations. They will also be incorporated into airport education programs to be handed out during school tours, airport events or community meetings.

“The ACI-NA trading card series is a perfect way to showcase our iconic airport across North America,” said Airport Director Bradley Livingston, AAE.  This is a great way for travelers to remember the airports that they visit.”

The North American Airport Collectors Series trading card campaign is a project of ACI-NA’s Marketing and Communications Committee and is supported by ACI-NA.

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