County Executive Parisi Announces Bollig Acquisition

May 07, 2015
Stephanie Wilson Miller, 608-267-8823
County Executive

Today, Dane County Executive Joe Parisi announced Dane County has an accepted Offer to Purchase approximately 81 acres from Bollig Farm Property LLC; the acquisition will be introduced tonight at the Dane County Board.  From the property, canoeists will be able to access the Upper Yahara River and paddle down to where it empties into Cherokee Marsh, which will offer an incredibly scenic paddle with spectacular wildlife viewing opportunities. The site contains over a mile of natural shoreline along the Upper Yahara River that will provide for exceptional water-based recreational opportunities such as canoeing, kayaking, and fishing.


“The property will be a gateway to the Yahara Waterways,” remarked Joe Parisi Dane County Executive. “This is a targeted investment that is a win for the environment, outdoor recreationists, and all Dane County residents.  Preserving this corridor means families for generations to come will be able to fish, camp, and canoe in and along the river.”


The property is located in the Town of Windsor and Town of Burke within the Cherokee Marsh Natural Resource Area as identified in the Dane County 2012 – 2017 Parks and Open Space Plan.  It’s also located within the North Mendota Watershed.


This ownership will also better enable Dane County to control phospherous flow into our lakes. The property abuts over 1,300 acres of State and County lands that are part of the Cherokee Marsh wetland complex. Over 40 acres of wetlands are found on the site that are home to a variety and number of wildlife and plants. The wetlands on the site could be restored to expand and enhance the surrounding wetland complex that is managed by WIDNR.


“This is a great opportunity to supplement our efforts to improve water quality in the Upper Yahara waterway, while expanding the recreational opportunities the resource provides,” said Maureen McCarville, District 22 Dane County Board Supervisor.  “It is a great addition to the improvements being made by the county, local governments and volunteer groups to make the most out of this invaluable asset.”


In the future, the property may provide for a trail connection for the proposed Upper Yahara River Bicycle Pedestrian Trail that follows the river corridor between Madison and DeForest.


Funds for the acquisition are available in the Dane County Lake Preservation and Renewal Fund.  Dane County will also apply to the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program for financial assistance.


