Dane County to Receive Coveted Training from FEMA

April 29, 2015
J. McLellan 608 / 267-2542
Emergency Management


Today, Dane County Emergency Management announced they will be receiving highly coveted Federal Emergency Management Agency Training. The four day training from the Federal Emergency Management Agency focuses on the interaction between Dane County’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and emergency responders in the field.  The training, EOC / Incident Management Team (IMT) Interface, will be delivered May 5-8, 2015 to nearly 50 people.


“Preparing for an emergency is critical to a successful response,” said Joe Parisi Dane County Executive. “This training will help better prepare our staff and Dane County for an emergency.”


In May 2014, Dane County Emergency Management applied for local delivery of the EOC / IMT Interface course provided by FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute.

This course is highly coveted because it geared toward local participants and their operating practices.  Dane County is one of only four locations across the country chosen to receive this class 2015.  The Emergency Management Institute will be sending six instructors/facilitators and over 1000 lbs. of equipment to Dane County for this class.


Dane County’s Department of Emergency Management is responsible for supporting the County’s Emergency Operations Center operations.  The Dane County Emergency Operations Center coordinates emergency operations with 61 local units of government, Wisconsin’s Emergency Operations Center, 30 fire departments, 28 EMS departments, the Dane County Sheriff, and 25 police departments.


“The Emergency Operations Center is a focal point for information, coordination, and support between Dane County, local and state government, and first responders,” said Charles Tubbs, Dane County Emergency Management Director. “The Dane County EOC operates during emergencies and pre-planned events such as tornados, blizzards, major events at the Alliant Center, and presidential visits. We welcome such highly coveted training.”

