Dane County Offiers $1-Million for Lake Clean-up Partnership Program

September 16, 2015
Joshua Wescott, 608-266-9069
County Executive

Dane County is encouraging local communities to apply for its “Urban Water Quality Grant Program” to improve stormwater runoff entering Dane County waters, Dane County Executive Joe Parisi announced today.

$1 million is available through the grant program this year. The grants help local communities construct stormwater management facilities to capture trash and phosphorus-laden debris such as yard or pet waste from urban areas that otherwise wash directly into lakes and streams during heavy rains or snow melts.   Phosphorus is the main culprit that causes algae growth in the waters. 

“By partnering with local communities, we are getting more done and stopping more pollutants from getting into our waters,” Parisi said.  “This program is an incredible success, stopping the flow of a half million pounds of debris and 2,000 pounds of phosphorus from running off when it rains.”  

One pound of phosphorus is enough to grow 500 pounds of algae.

For the third consecutive year, municipalities that propose projects in one of the county’s top ten target areas that discharge large amounts of phosphorus and sediment into the lakes will be eligible to receive a 75% county cost share. Other municipalities with eligible projects outside the targeted areas could receive 50% cost share.

Since 2005, Dane County’s Urban Water Quality grants have helped fund 49 projects totaling almost  $10 million dollars.

Every pound of phosphorus removed from the county’s watershed prevents 500 pounds of algae from growing.


Funding criteria and application information are available online at:  http://lwrd.countyofdane.com/wred/Assistance/uwqg.aspx.


The deadline for initial applications is October 15, 2015.

