TSA Installs Additional Security Screening Equipment

September 19, 2016
Brent S. Kyzer-McHenry 608-661-6442

New Checkpoint Lane Provides Further Screening Capacity

Madison, WI – The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) in partnership with the Dane County Regional Airport (DCRA) completed the installation of an additional passenger screening lane at the south security checkpoint. The new checkpoint lane creates further screening capacity for the TSA and accommodates future growth.


"I’m proud to have supported a collaborative effort between the TSA and our local airport to ensure safe, secure, and efficient travel for the community, "said Senator Baldwin. "Streamlined security screening at Wisconsin’s capitol airport helps to support and build a robust business environment, increases out-of-state tourist traffic, and accelerates job growth in this vibrant, flourishing area of south central Wisconsin. Getting the job done on this is good for travelers and our business community."

TSA officers at DCRA screen more than 75,000 passengers and their luggage every month for prohibited items, including weapons and explosives. Additional screening equipment will add efficiency, convenience, and additional capacity for continued growth in passenger volume.


"We are pleased that the TSA continues to be committed to ensuring a quality travel experience at our airport," said Dane County Executive Joe Parisi. "The ability to streamline security screening at DCRA ensures that Dane County is well positioned to add more non-stop flight destinations and continue to be a world-class destination. I would like to thank Senator Baldwin for her work to help make this happen."


"Senator Baldwin’s assistance in this was essential, as the safety and security of our travelers remains our highest priority," said Airport Director Bradley Livingston, AAE. "We are continually working with the TSA and our airline partners to identify measures to improve the travel experience at our airport."

With 12 non-stop destinations, Dane County Regional Airport provides seamless, low-stress, and affordable options for both leisure and business travelers. We offer more than 90 daily arrivals and departures, with one stop to anywhere in the world.