March 02, 2017
Supervisor Sharon Corrigan (333-2285) Chair, Dane County Board of Supervisors
County Board

                       Consultant will study ways to bring more racial and social equity to county spending


Looking to ensure its financial power is reaching the broader community, the Dane County Board of Supervisors has hired a national firm to analyze its purchasing and contracting practices.


The Board this week retained Florida-based MGT of America Consulting to conduct a 4-month long program evaluation and offer advice on how Dane County can improve.


The county spent over $269 million in 2016 on everything from road repairs and zoo supplies to delivery of social services. But the County Board wants to make sure government spending comes with an emphasis on racial and social equity.


“Dane County prides itself on inclusiveness and fairness but it always helps to get an independent look at how we are doing and hear how we can do better,” said County Board Chair Sharon Corrigan.


The evaluation was included in recommendations from the County Board’s 2015 Racial Equity Analysis report. It will focus on racial and social equity across all Dane County government contracting and procurement policies and will assist the County Board in its future decisions.


The MGT review will include:


  • Evaluation and analysis of current Dane County government contracting and procurement policies, procedures and programs

  • Review of national best practices

  • Analysis of how other peer local governments are advancing equity in this area

  • Historical and vendor pool analysis with an emphasis on minority-owned businesses or Targeted Business Enterprises (TBEs)


    The firm will also gather input from Dane County staff, other governmental jurisdictions, and community stakeholder groups through focus groups, interviews and surveys.


    “MGT is pleased to have been chosen as the firm to conduct the Contracting and Procurement Equity Evaluation for the Dane County Board of Supervisors,” said Reggie Smith, MGT’s Project Director.   “We’re looking forward to providing some actionable and implementable strategies to further enhance the county’s current efforts to advance racial and social equity.”


    The consultants will make a formal public presentation at a Dane County Board meeting in late June or early July with its report and recommendations.

