Tenney Lock and Spillway Gets Upgrades for 2017

March 22, 2017
Kevin Connors, Director, Land and Water Resources Department (608) 224-3730
Land & Water Resources

Dane County Land and Water Resources Department announced today that upgrades have begun for the Tenney Boat Lock facility.  The project will modernize the existing infrastructure with mechanical and electrical upgrades to the lock and remote automation to the dam. It will also add remote controls to the dam allowing staff to control lake levels in real time. The goal is to have the project completed by early summer.

“The weather has provided a great opportunity for us to start the project,” said County Executive, Joe Parisi. “This project is important to insure the lock operates efficiently for the thousands of boats that pass through each year”.

The Tenney Lock is a popular recreation facility located on the Yahara River at the outlet of Lake Mendota.  The Lock allows for the passage of boats between Lakes Mendota and Monona.

The Dane County Land and Water Resources appreciates the public’s patience during the construction activities. For more information on the Tenney Lock and Lake Access sites or to purchase permits online visit https://parks-lwrd.countyofdane.com/Parks-Recreation/Lakes-Boating
For other information related to park and water-related features, visit the Dane County Land and Water Resources website at www.countyofdane.com/lwrd/.


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