Tenney Boat Lock Opening Friday

May 19, 2016
Darren Marsh, Parks Director (608) 224-3730 John Reimer, Stormwater Engineer (608) 224-3612
Land & Water Resources

Dane County Parks announced today that the Tenney Boat Lock would be open and back to its regular summer schedule beginning Friday, May 20th.

According to Dane County Land and Water Resources Department Engineer John Reimer, opening of the Lock was delayed due to a malfunction discovered during an annual de-winterizing operation.  “The problem was traced to an electrical sensor required to operate the Lock doors,” said Reimer.  “Lake management staff was able to successfully replace the sensor and the Lock is now fully operational.”

The Tenney Lock is a popular recreation facility located on the Yahara River at the outlet of Lake Mendota.  The Lock allows for the passage of boats between Lake Mendota and Lake Monona.

“We are pleased that the Lock repairs are complete in time to kick of the summer boating season,” said Dane County Parks Director Darren Marsh.  “With the warm weather forecasted this weekend, I expect there will be a lot of boaters out enjoying area lakes.”

The Tenney Lock schedule is available online at www.countyofdane.com/lwrd/parks/tenney_lock.aspx.

For more information, please call the Dane County Parks office at (608) 224-3766 or visit the Dane County Land and Water Resources website at www.countyofdane.com/lwrd/.     



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