January 25, 2017
Board Chair Sharon Corrigan, 608.333.2285
County Board

Thursday meeting includes evaluation of diversity in county contracting


With many residents concerned about results from the recent election, the Dane County Board at its Thursday meeting will consider several items regarding racial, economic and social justice.


“There is a lot of angst in the community right now and these steps are designed to show that we are different here,” said County Board Chair Sharon Corrigan of Middleton.


One measure affirms the Dane County Board’s ongoing commitment to the democratic ideals of inclusion, celebration of diversity and mutual respect, Corrigan said.


“We declare Dane County to be a safe space for all, regardless of ethnicity, religion, absence of religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, or immigration status. We welcome the displaced, the refugee, the outcast, the stranger among us,” reads the resolution sponsored by 16 supervisors.


In that same spirit of inclusion, the County Board is working to bring equity and racial diversity to its operations, budgeting and programming.


On Thursday, the Board is to approve an agreement with MGT of America Consulting for completion of a program evaluation for contracting and procurement equity in Dane County Government. The study will further the work completed over the past several years to ensure that communities of color share in the county’s economic prosperity where possible.


“By all measures, Dane County is thriving.  As a government with enormous buying power and a $637 million budget, we need to work to ensure those resources can serve a public good,” said Supervisor Shelia Stubbs of Madison.


Additionally, the Board on Thursday will consider the purchase of 56 housing units in Verona, Stoughton and DeForest by the Dane County Housing Authority using $350,000 from the county’s Affordable Housing Development Fund. These units are currently under USDA Rural Development income restrictions but the owner is seeking to sell the properties for market rate development.  This resolution will allow the Housing Authority to purchase the properties instead.


Also Thursday, the Board will vote on approving installation of solar photovoltaic systems for the New Holland Pavilions at the Alliant Energy Center. Strang Inc. has submitted a bid for $120,000 for the project.


Finally, at the beginning of Thursday’s 7 p.m. meeting in Room 201 of the City-County Building the Board will recognize 44 employees who have reached 25 years of service.


Employees expected to attend the ceremony include: Joseph O’Kroley in Facilities Management; Bobby Moore in Human Services; and Lori Casper, Timothy Hancock, Michelle Shelhamer, Brian Mikula, and Eric Novotny in the Sheriff’s Office.