Dane County Announces Fall Programming Opportunities at UW-Extension

September 14, 2017
Stephanie Miller 608-267-8823
County Executive

Today, County Executive Joe Parisi announced upcoming fall programs provided by Dane County UW-Extension. From becoming a certified master composter to learning more about what it takes to own a local food business, the fall programming at UW-Extension will bring resources and education to help people and communities understand and solve problems. Local interests and concerns are reflected in the educational programs developed and conducted by Dane County based educators.


University of Wisconsin-Extension is a unique partnership of counties, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the University of Wisconsin working together to help people put knowledge to work.  It reflects the vision that has become known as The Wisconsin Idea.  This partnership brings education to people where they live.  It supports educational programs for farmers, businesses, communities, families, and young people.


Fall programs include: the Master Composter Program, 4-H National Youth Science Day, a Sheep Pasture Walk and Pasture Management Discussion, and the Edible Startup Summit. Program times and descriptions are below.


For more information including how to register for these events visit: http://dane.uwex.edu




Upcoming Dane County UW-Extension Programs and Events


Master Composter Program

The goal of this program, sponsored by Dane County UW-Extension and the City of Madison, is to empower local composters to organize and teach home composting workshops and offer compost demonstrations in their communities. Instructor Workshops will be held on September 25 and October 2 from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Dane County UW-Extension office.


4-H National Youth Science Day

Kids will explore the engineering design process of building a wearable technology prototype that gathers data to help solve real-world problems. They can then test their prototype with National Guard physical fitness challenges and the UW-Extension blender bike.  This event is suitable for any youth in grades 4 through 12. It will take place on Thursday, October 5 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Dane County UW-Extension office.


Sheep Pasture Walk & Fall Pasture Management Discussion

A discussion with sheep owners on genetics and breeding goals for their flock will be held. Iowa County UW-Extension Agriculture Educator Gene Schriefer will also lead a talk about fall pasture management and its importance in grazing plans. Focus will be put on fall management for weed pressure and pasture yields. The event will be held on Saturday, October 14 from 1 to 3 p.m. at 10888 Berg Road Mount Horeb, WI.


Edible Startup Summit

The Edible Startup Summit offers comprehensive and interactive education on what it takes to develop a local food business. This event is scheduled for November 17 and 18 at the American Family Center in Madison. This year’s registration, along with a summit agenda, will be posted in the coming weeks.


For more information including how to register for these events visit: http://dane.uwex.edu


An EEO/AA employer, University of Wisconsin-Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title VI, Title IX, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. Please make requests for reasonable accommodations to ensure equal access to educational programs as early as possible preceding the scheduled program, service or activity.


La Universidad de Wisconsin-Extensión, un empleador con igualdad de oportunidades y acción afirmativa (EEO/AA), proporciona igualdad de oportunidades en empleo y programas, incluyendo los requisitos del Título VI, Título IX, y de la Ley Federal para Personas con Discapacidades en los Estados Unidos (ADA). Para asegurar un acceso igualitario a los programas educativos, haga el favor de solicitar los pedidos de arreglos razonables lo mas pronto posible antes de la fecha del programa, el servicio o la actividad.