Parisi: Major Investment to Make County Roads Safer

February 10, 2017
Stephanie Miller 608-267-8823
County Executive

                                                      Announces County Highway PD Agreement


Today Dane County Executive Joe Parisi announced an agreement to improve County Highway PD with the City of Madison from Meriter Way to Maple Grove Road to improve the roadway with bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The County’s maximum contribution to the project would be $3,561,000 of the $13.9 million total cost of the project. The project will begin in March and continue through October of this year.


“Investing in our county highways makes our roads safer for our loved ones to travel on and is an economic driver,” said Dane County Executive Joe Parisi. “These improvements will greatly help traffic for cars and bicycles in a very busy and growing area of the county.”


The CTH PD project includes reconstruction of CTH PD to a 4 lane divided urban arterial street with bike lanes, curb and gutter, sidewalk and a curbed, grassed median. Street lighting, traffic signals, storm sewer, water main and sanitary sewer are included in the project also. A pedestrian and bicycle overpass for the Ice Age Junction Path is proposed just west of High Point Road.


The agreement was introduced to the Dane County Board February 9, 2017 and will need board approval.


In his 2017 budget Dane County Executive Parisi made the biggest investment in history into Dane County’s highways. In addition to road repairs, his budget added a total of five new positions to the Highway Department. This demonstrated commitment to safer, better maintained roads through all seasons will keep county roads clear in the winter and also help address rapidly spreading invasive weeds like wild parsnip sprout in roadside ditches next spring.