Capital City Trail to Get Major Improvements Over Summer

April 13, 2018
Stephanie Miller 608-267-8823
County Executive

More Information About Closures and Detours Coming In June


Today Dane County Executive Parisi announced Dane County is entering into a contract with Payne and Dolan to resurface over 6 miles of the popular Capital City Trail. The work will begin after the 4th of July and a final construction timeline and potential bike detour routes will be released when the final project is finalized in June. Given the popularity and use of the trail Dane County Parks will announce as soon as the construction timeline is finalized in early June.


“Dane County has a vibrant culture of biking and we have some of the best bike trails in the country,” said Dane county Executive Parisi. “We will continue to invest in our quality of life our lakes our parks our trails. Weather it is the brand new Lower Yahara River Trail or the well-used Capital City Trail, Dane county will continue to lead the way on bike trails. 


2018 work will include culvert replacement, base layer restoration and resurfacing from Nob Hill Road to Glacier Valley Road (6.5) miles and will take approximately 6 weeks. Cost for this section will be $948,200.  The bulk of the cost will be covered by Dane County with support from the DNR through a recreational trails grant $45,000 and a Stewardship grant $244,465.


Dane County Parks will post project schedule, detours, and other relevant information on our webpage as well as along the trail and at kiosks.


This will be the first major upgrade to it since it was completed in 2000. This will be a multi-year restoration to improve the safety and ride of this well used trail. Dane County plans to repave the entire length of the trail starting this year and ending in 2020.Built in 2001, this trail sees over 125,000 users each year.


A resolution to approve this contract will introduced at the county board this evening.