County Executive Parisi Announces More Solar For Dane County

March 13, 2018
Stephanie Miller: 608-267-8823
County Executive

Project to Address Climate Change, Create Local Jobs and Save Taxpayer Money


Today Dane County Executive Joe Parisi announced construction will begin on a 640 panel solar installation which will be placed on the roof of the Dane County Jobs Center. This will be the county’s 16th solar installation including the recently announced 41 acre Solar Farm at the Airport.


This installation will be the second biggest of the current installations. The contract is being introduced at the County Board this Thursday and is expected to be approved in the coming weeks. Work will be complete later this summer.


“Dane County is leading the way on clean energy,” said Dane County Executive Parisi. “This is yet another solar installation that will save taxpayers money, address climate change and keep jobs right here in Dane County.”


The 640 panel solar system to be installed will generate 205,000  kilowatts-hours/year, save the County $18,000 a year on utility costs, and generate about 25% of the building’s annual electricity. The Dane County Jobs Center is home to Dane County Human Services Economic Assistance and Work Services Divisions.


Just last week, Dane County Executive Parisi announced Dane County is moving forward with a new massive Solar Farm at the Dane County Regional Airport. That project is the latest in an across the board expansion of solar power for county government initiated by Parisi’s 2017 budget. He included over $2 million in the 2017 budget for solar generating capacity at the Alliant Energy Center, Jobs Center and Lyman F. Anderson Agriculture & Conservation Center with additional money available for the new home of the Dane County Library Service, the former Blooming Grove Fire Department Station.


In addition to the solar developers, the project will employ local electricians and carpenters. There are more than 2,800 people employed in the solar industry in Wisconsin and 460 in Dane County, according to the Solar Foundation, which tracks solar jobs nationwide. Dane County is second only to Milwaukee County in the number of solar jobs in Wisconsin