Huong Nguyen-Hilfiger Appointed to County Board

July 11, 2018
Sharon Corrigan, County Board Chair 608.333.2285
County Board

Will Represent District 14 in Southwest Madison


Today County Board Chair Sharon Corrigan announced the appointment of Huong Nguyen-Hilfiger

to the Dane County Board of Supervisors to represent the 14th District, filling the vacancy left by George Gillis. The full County Board will consider the appointment this Thursday.  Contingent upon County Board approval, Ms. Nguyen-Hilfiger will immediately be sworn in and participate in the remainder of the meeting.


“I am honored to be appointed to the County Board,” said Nguyen-Hilfiger. “Supervisor Gillis represented the interests of the district well, and I look forward to continuing his good work and intend to seek to complete the term by standing for the special election in the spring.”


The Dane County Code of Ordinances authorizes the board chair to make a temporary appointment to fill a vacancy in the office of county supervisor, with confirmation by the full board, if the vacancy occurs early in the term, subject to a special election during the next regular spring election.


“I believe Huong will bring a valuable perspective to the County Board with her expertise in population health, particularly as so many of the difficult issues facing the Board share a public health component,” said Corrigan.  “I am very pleased that three people stepped forward and expressed a willingness to serve, and believe Huong is best suited for the role,” she added.


The three individuals who applied for the appointment are Adam Smith, Corey Singletary, and Huong Nguyen-Hilfiger.  County Board District 14 includes wards 96 to 100 in the City of Madison. 


Nguyen-Hilfiger holds a bachelor’s degree in biology and psychology from Macalester College in St. Paul, MN, and a master’s degree in Health Policy and Management from Columbia University in New York, NY. She works for Population Health Management at UW-Health and lives with her husband Andrew and 2-year old son Isaac on Madison’s Southwest side.  


On Thursday the Board will also consider a number of resolutions, including:


  • Approval of $1.8 for biogas cleaning equipment as a change order to the pipeline injection project at the Rodefeld Landfill. 


  •  Awarding a contract totaling $110,000 to Madison Urban Ministries to provide case management andpeer support services for Dane County Jail inmates who are re-entering the community.


  • Approval of a $125,000 Community Development Block Grant loan to Quality Transit for 3 wheelchair accessible vehicles to serve Dane County;


  • Creation of a new erosion control project position to work with municipalities to provide erosion control plan review and site inspection.


  • Setting a referendum question for the November ballot to seek public opinion on legalizing cannabis for personal use for individuals over 21 years of age.