County Board To Hold Public Hearing on the Proposed 2017 Budget

October 17, 2016
Supervisor Sharon Corrigan (333-2285) Chair, Dane County Board of Supervisors
County Board

The Dane County Board of Supervisors will hold a special meeting to take public testimony on the  proposed 2017 Dane County budget on Wednesday, October 19th at 7:00 p.m. in room 201 of the City-County Building.  The public is invited to testify for or against items in the County Executive’s proposed budget.  Testimony is also welcome on any amendments to that proposal. 


The proposed 2017 Dane County budget authorizes a total of $634.3 million for combined operating and capital expenditures, financed by $405.9 million in outside revenues, existing resources and borrowing; $57.1 million in sales tax; and $169.4 million in county tax levy funds.  The proposed budget results in an increase in property taxes of $19.61 on the average Madison home (valued at approximately $255,000).  County taxes represent about 15% of an individual’s property tax bill. 


Some of the items of note are the establishment of an Office of Energy and Climate Change,  expansion of the early childhood zone initiative to North Madison, countywide expansion of the Community Restorative Court, and a continued focus on efforts to protect the water quality of Dane County’s lakes. 


“This is a chance for the public to express their views to the County Board and influence the process,” said County Board Chair Sharon Corrigan.  “Tell us what you like, and what you don’t like in the proposed budget. The Board has the opportunity to make changes over the next several weeks.”


County Board committees will complete their consideration of amendments to the proposed budget by early November.  The full Board will take up the budget on November 14th.