Yahara Lakes Rising, Flooding Anticipated Over Next Several Days

August 22, 2018
Josh Wescott 608-266-9069
County Executive

As a result of this week’s record-breaking rains, levels on the Yahara Lakes have been steadily increasing over the past 24 hours.


These levels are expected to increase downstream of Lake Mendota, potentially rising another 3-6 inches over the next 24 hours in places along Lakes Monona and Waubesa and eventually Kegonsa.


Dane County Emergency Management is coordinating flood preparedness efforts for communities expected to be impacted by these rising lake levels. Hundreds of sandbags and the county’s sandbagging machine are being moved to help property owners. A number of properties in the City of Monona and Town of Dunn may experience flooding in the coming days.


Those with properties along the lakes are encouraged to prepare now for potential flooding.


Dane County has deployed 10 lake weed cutters into the Yahara River downstream to ensure floodwaters can move through the system of lakes as quickly as possible.


Dane County is under a state of emergency as a result of this week’s flooding rains and subsequent devastation.