Art Draws Attention to Stormwater Pollution and Solutions

November 06, 2018
Christal Campbell, Stormwater Education Coordinator, 608-224-3746 Susan Sandford, Strategic Engagement Coordinator, 608 224-3617
Land & Water Resources

Madison, WI – November 6, 2018 - Next time you visit the Henry Vilas zoo, walk past the Madison Children’s Museum or take a stroll near your local school you may notice a colorful addition to the storm drains that normally blend into the landscape. A new Storm Drain Mural Program led by Dane County, the Madison Area Municipal Stormwater Partnership and Dane Arts Mural Arts (DAMA) is using storm drains as a canvas to educate residents about stormwater pollution.

"Most of us walk right past storm drains every day and don’t think twice about the underground water highway they connect to," said Dane County Executive Joe Parisi. "These beautiful storm drain murals will help draw attention to where the stormwater that runs off our streets, driveways and rooftops ends up and simple actions we can all take to "Keep It Clean."

In Dane County, these storm sewer highways often travel to local waterways without being cleaned, carrying trash, soil and other pollutants to our lakes, rivers and streams. Twenty murals were painted this year and there are plans to continue adding murals in future years.

As part of this year’s project, half of these murals were designed with the help of local schools and afterschool groups. The students first learned about stormwater pollution and solutions and then created designs for a mural in their community. DAMA collected the student designs ideas and used them to create unique storm drain murals which students helped paint. The remaining ten murals were designed by local artists. These large colorful storm drain murals are located near schools, libraries, downtown streets and other high traffic areas to capture the attention of those who pass by.

With twenty murals across thirteen different Dane County communities chances are pretty good there’s one near you. Take some time this fall to check them out! Visit for a map with all the mural locations and learn about simple actions you can take to keep the water that washes down your storm drain clean.
