Sweep Up Winter Salt before It Rains

April 26, 2018
Christal Campbell Stormwater Education Coordinator Dane County Land and Water Resources Dept./Madison Area Municipal Stormwater Partnership (608) 224-3746
Land & Water Resources

Sweep Up Winter Salt before It Rains


Spring is here, but there’s still plenty of road salt on sidewalks and parking lots left over from last week’s snow storm. Wisconsin Salt Wise is asking people to sweep it up before the next rainfall washes it into our waterways.


Once you put salt down, it doesn’t go away. Instead, it washes into lakes, rivers, streams and wetlands, putting aquatic life at risk and endangering our freshwater resources. It takes just one teaspoon of salt to pollute five gallons of water.


But small steps like sweeping up extra salt can make a big difference in protecting our waters. You can always put the salt in a container and use it again next winter.


Dane County and the Madison Area Municipal Stormwater Partnership are members of  Wisconsin Salt Wise, a coalition of organizations working together to reduce salt pollution in our lakes, streams and drinking water. Do your part and Be Wisconsin Salt Wise! Learn more at www.wisaltwise.com