January 29, 2019
Supervisor Sharon Corrigan, Chair 608.333.2285
County Board

Supervisors Dye, Pertl take key positions in the Evers Administration


A pair of experienced Dane County Board Supervisors have resigned their seats after accepting jobs in the administration of newly-elected Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers.


Supervisor Jenni Dye (District 33, Fitchburg) is now serving as Policy Director for Evers while Supervisor Jeff Pertl (District 17, Madison) has been appointed Deputy Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families. 


“The Dane County Board has a depth of talented individuals, and it is no surprise that Governor Evers has chosen some of our seasoned supervisors to serve in his administration,” said Board Chair Sharon Corrigan.


The two supervisors serve in leadership positions on the County Board; Dye is the First Vice Chair and Pertl is the Second Vice Chair of the Board.  Additionally, both Dye and Pertl serve on and are past chairs of the Board’s powerful Personnel and Finance Committee.  Dye has also served on the Public Protection and Judiciary Committee and the Health and Human Needs Committee. Pertl has been a member of the Public Works and Transportation Committee.


Each were elected in 2012.  In the past seven years, the Board has adopted paid family leave for all employees, embarked on an aggressive clean lakes initiative, expanded diversion programs and alternatives to incarceration, began re-imagining the Alliant Energy Center campus, created a human services reserve fund, established a affordable housing fund, and treated county employees with dignity and respect.


“While it is cliché to say so, it has truly been an honor to represent Fitchburg and be part of making change in our community,” said Supervisor Dye. "I am grateful to my colleagues and to the dedicated public servants who work for Dane County who have made it possible to put our values into action. I know they will continue to build on our successes and meet our challenges head on.”


Supervisor Pertl likewise expressed appreciation for the county’s forward thinking approach to problem-solving. “We have made great progress expanding vital services, cleaning up our lakes, and improving our infrastructure,” said Supervisor Pertl.  “While challenges remain, I am proud of the work we have done. Now, however, is a time for others to serve and continue the work.”


The County Board will set the date for special elections to fill the seats after the spring election.  The timing of the resignations does not allow for the special elections to be at the same time as the already scheduled local government primary and general elections.


District 17 is on the East side of Madison, and encompasses Wards 10-12, and 15-17.   District 33 is comprised of the City of Fitchburg Wards 7-8, 12-19.  A map of district 17 is available here: and district 33 here:  


“The County Board will miss the leadership of Supervisors Dye and Pertl as the county faces the challenges ahead,” said Chair Corrigan.  “But we are heartened to know the state of Wisconsin will benefit from their intelligence, compassion, and commitment to excellence.”


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