Dane County Executive Joe Parisi and Dane County Sheriff Dave Mahoney Volunteer to Bell Ring on Madison’s West Side

December 18, 2018
Ariana Vruwink: (608) 267-8823
County Executive

Red Kettle Campaign is still $270,000 short of goal, putting shelter and housing programs at risk of reduced funding in 2019


Today, Dane County Executive Joe Parisi and Dane County Sheriff Dave Mahoney volunteered to ring bells as part of the Salvation Army’s Red Kettle Campaign at Metcalfe’s Market located on Mineral Point Road. As of late last week, the Salvation Army of Dane County was about $270,000 short of reaching its Christmas goal, putting its Women’s Shelter, Emergency Family Shelter, and housing initiatives at risk of receiving less funding in 2019.


“The Women’s Shelter and Emergency Family Shelter provide vital services to vulnerable members of our community—from shelter and nutritional meals to shower and laundry facilities,” said County Executive Parisi. “We’re volunteering to help the Salvation Army reach its goal and highlight the important community resources that benefit from this campaign.”


Last year alone, over 27,153 shelter nights were provided at the Emergency Family Shelter. In addition to immediate overnight shelter, the Salvation Army also offers families rapid-rehousing, known as the DAWNS (Dane County Assists With New Starts) program. DAWNS allows participating families to be placed in their own apartments with supportive services to become self-reliant and has a 93 percent success rate this year.


“During this season of holiday celebration and giving, we must remember that many in our community are struggling to meet basic needs and rely on our neighbors to help them,” said Dane County Sheriff Dave Mahoney. “The Salvation Army and our neighbors ringing bells this season need the help of everyone to help those in most need.”


The Salvation Army set a $525,000 goal for its Red Kettle Campaign this year. As of late last week, roughly 70 percent of its shifts were still open. Those interested in volunteering to bell ring can register online at www.ringbellsdane.org.