Dane County Declares Slow, No Wake Restriction for Lake Monona, Waubesa and Kegonsa

June 19, 2018
County Executive

                                                      Slow, No Wake Orders Effective Immediately


Due to recent rainfall, Dane County is placing slow, no wake orders on Lake Monona, Waubesa and Kegonsa.  The restrictions for watercraft to slow down will take effect immediately today. 


Dane County is declaring a slow, no wake on Lake Monona, Waubesa and Kegonsa due to rainfall and the high lake levels from recent rains.  Levels on Lake Kegonsa are exceeding 100 year flood levels.


It is important for property owners on all lakes to prevent  their piers from floating and creating navigational hazard by securely fastening the pier sections to the frame, raising pier sections above water, or removing the pier.?


 Deputies from the Dane County Sheriff's Office Marine and Trail Division will be enforcing the slow, no wake restrictions on area waterways.


For questions regarding Slow No Wake call Land and Water Resources Department at 608-224-3730.