October 22, 2018
Sharon Corrigan, County Board Chair 608.333.2285
County Board

The standing committees of the Dane County Board of Supervisors continue to review the 2019 proposed budget.  Work on the budget began in early October, and will continue into November.


The Board has received considerable input on the budget from members of the community, including at its October 17th public hearing.  Members of the public addressed the Board on issues including services for the homeless, affordable housing, trauma services for youth, water quality, and lake levels. 


“We have heard at committee meetings and at the public hearing last week about as-yet unmet needs in the community,” said County Board Chair Sharon Corrigan.  “As we debate amendments to the budget, the County Board must balance addressing a range of social, environmental, and infrastructure issues with fiscal responsibility.”


The opportunity for public comment continues over the next two weeks.


Multiple standing committees are meeting on the 2019 budget the week of October 22, including the Health and Human Needs Committee, the Public Works and Transportation Committee, the Public Protection and Judiciary Committee, and the Environment Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee.  Individuals are welcome to testify at these meetings.  A schedule of the meetings can be found here:


As part of the county’s budget process, each committee makes recommendations to the Personnel and Finance Committee, which assembles the final package of budget amendments recommended to the full County Board. 


The Personnel and Finance Committee also accepts testimony at meetings scheduled for October 29th and October 30th.  This is when the committee will hear amendments from each of the standing committees and their corresponding departments.  The schedule for consideration of amendments by department can be found here:


“The Dane County Board of Supervisors is committed to embracing transparent processes and engaging residents, particularly as we make choices on critical items in the budget,” said Corrigan.  “While all are welcome at these meetings, sometimes attending an evening meeting can be challenging.  Emails are another approach to having your voice heard, and you can reach the entire County Board at”


The full County Board is expected to consider the 2019 operating and capital budget, and set the levy for 2019, at their meeting on November 12th.